Our secured online cloud web interface gives you total control. From making payments to your workforce, right through to deciding who you want to chat with, and how – all in one place.
It is available to use whenever you want it, it’s always online. No downtime, no excluded hours.
You can assign specific access to different people in your business, with a built-in audit trail. This way, you know exactly who did what, when and why. Easy!
If you want your finance department to manage the salary and wage payments only, no problem! Do you want your HR department to chat with your workforce? No problem! How about sending that weekly memo to a data-free mobile app, instead of pinning it to a notice board? Again, no problem!
You have control and can add your own users, and decide what type of access they must have, but we are always ready to help through our support systems.
Even though it is so simple to use, we will still give you some training on using our interface. An easily searchable help file will also always be right by your side, making training new people so much easier.
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MiVoice was built for businesses, businesses employees, and domestic employers and workers. Click on a section below to learn more about the benefits MiVoice offer.