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Data Free Mobile App

Gone are the days when your workforce was out of reach when they left the workplace. Our app is data free, so your workforce is always connected.

All you need is a standard mobile signal to use our app, no matter the mobile network. Your workforce can now let you know if there is a problem coming to work. You can keep everyone informed of important stuff and no one pays for data to do it.

Our app does not sell advertising space, so none of those irritating pop-ups. We do not expose your workforce, or their information, to any third parties. All data and information are treated as confidential.

You can create groups within your workforce to chat with each other – data free! Even if someone chooses to use additional features in our app, it remains data free to them.

Sometimes, the smallest things, have the biggest impact. Give your workforce a data free voice.

*Smartphone required to install the mobile app. App users are warned in the app of anything which may incur data charges.

Want to know more? Get in touch here

MiVoice employees downloading the data free mivoice app
MiVoice employees downloading the data free mivoice app

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MiVoice was built for businesses, businesses employees, and domestic employers and workers.  Click on a section below to learn more about the benefits MiVoice offer.

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