See how much you can save! Click here

Save up to 100%

Chances are you still use internet banking to pay your salaries. You get charged a fee for every person you transfer money to! When last did you check how much you are paying?

By using our payroll disbursement service, you transfer everything to us in one transaction. We distribute the salaries and wages on your behalf at only R 2-06 (excl VAT) per transaction. 

Your Workforce can choose to use our data free mobile wallet to receive their salary or wage into, and for payment to a MiVoice wallet, we charge you ZERO!

Want to know more? Get in touch here.

Want to know how much more you can save?

Save up to 100% with the mivoice Payroll payment solution
Save up to 100% with the mivoice Payroll payment solution

Ready to start saving on your disbursements?​

Submit your details below and we’ll contact you back!

Choose your journey

MiVoice was built for businesses, businesses employees, and domestic employers and workers.  Click on a section below to learn more about the benefits MiVoice offer.

Are you a Business Employer

Are you a Business Employee

Are you a Domestic Employer / Employee

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